Services > Wellness Attendant Service
Wellness Attendant Service
Best in class
Modelled on United Kingdom care standards
Geriatric care, or geriatrics, is a medical specialty that focuses on health care for elderly people. It aims to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults. Unlike other medical specialties that focus on specific diseases or parts of the body, geriatrics considers the unique needs of the elderly, offering a comprehensive, holistic approach to their care.
Wellness Attendant Service – (Non-Critical)
Trained and certified to assist elderly members in their everyday lives. Our wellness attendants are available in either 11 hr shifts or 24 hrs.
Living Assistance
- Medication prompting on time
- Washing and bathing (Bed bath, Assisted)
- Oral care (Administering, Assisted)
- Hygiene (Shaving and hair care, Nail care, Clothing, hand care)
- Continence and toilet
- Mobility Support
- Companionship
- Food assembling and serving
- Feeding (Oral)
- Help with appointments and admin
- Check, Monitoring, record keeping of vital signs like regular BP check, blood sugar check, SPO2 check using OTC devices
- Escalating emergent/deviant issues and following related SOPs
- Feeding (R Tube feeding)
- Nebulizing
- Administer Insulin
- Back care and Bed sore management
- Urinary bag management and catheter care
- First aid care
- Wound management including dressing
- Enema administration
- Nasal port oxygen
Wellness Attendant Service – Critical
Our critical care attendants are experienced, well trained and certified GNM/ANM or GDA nurses. Every Caregiver in this category is specially trained in constantly monitoring, looking after and always attending to our members with utmost care, affection, respect and compassion. Our wellness attendants can offer both critical and non-critical care and operate in 11 hour shifts or 24 hour shifts.
Living Assistance
- Medication prompting on time
- Washing and bathing (Bed bath, Assisted)
- Oral care (Administering, Assisted)
- Hygiene (Shaving and hair care, Nail care, Clothing, hand care)
- Continence and toilet
- Mobility Support
- Companionship
- Food assembling and serving
- Feeding (Oral)
- Help with appointments and admin
- Injection & fluid management
- IV management
- Catheterisation
- Ryle’s tube fitting
- Oxygen therapy (NIV, HFNO)
- Fistula Care
- Central line of care for Dialysis patients.
- CPR management
- TPN management
- PEG tube management
- Tracheostomy care
- Drain management
- Post-Amputation care
- Suction machine and patient monitoring
- Advanced dressing needs
Do look at our Getting Started page to understand how we go about signing you in for our services. Click here to register your interest. We will get back to you within 24 hours.